Looking to join a supportive group? Look no further than World Seido Karate. Discounted tuition offered for all veterans. Unlimited classes, 7 days a week.
Your Seido Karate membership offers access to instruction to any beginning karate classes, including meditation, yoga and endurance at our dojo located on West 30th Street. Membership also entitles the student to be part of a worldwide organization, with dojos around the world.
What do we need from you? Your DD-214 showing an Honorable Discharge and your strong spirit and dedication.
For more information stop in or email info@seido.com. We highly recommend each new student take an introductory class when they begin.
The World Seido Karate Organization actively supports community efforts through its nonprofit branch, the Seido Juku Benefit Foundation, a 501(c) nonprofit organization. Founded in 1987, it strives to share the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of karate with challenged or disadvantaged populations.
The Seido Juku Benefit Foundation provides financial support and instruction to students who are visually impaired, hearing impaired, homeless, or have special needs, and supports many local community programs, including those benefiting children with HIV/AIDS, victims of breast cancer, at-risk teenagers, and the homeless.
The core curriculum consists of general classes, kata, kumite, and meditation classes. This includes both “general” (all belts) and “rank specific” classes, which focus on each belt level’s syllabus. Kumite class is for intermediate and advanced students. Meditation is an integral part of training in Seido and all members are encouraged to attend. Full gi is mandatory for all classes unless noted otherwise.
This is one of our adaptive classes for our visually impaired members. Other students are encouraged to assist this class while also practicing their own material. Students testing to Green belt or higher are often required to participate in the class while wearing a blindfold. Class length is 1 hour.
Promotion candidates should bring a blindfold. The objective is for students to learn how to apply their other senses to their karate training. Promotion candidates will train alongside blind and visually impaired students, learn protocol for assisting blind people inside and outside the dojo, and as needed, may assist teaching blind students. We welcome anyone to assist our classes, including outside of promotion
Seido Karate has partnered with the YAI organization for over 20 years to provide a safe and welcoming space for neurodivergent adults to practice karate. The students have a deep appreciation for their teachers and are sincerely grateful for the opportunity to study at Seido. The class syllabus is adapted from the Seido course curriculum. Promotion is based on students' dedication, spirit and attendance as much as mastery of technique and material.
Classes are held Tuesdays from 4 to 5 PM at Honbu World Seido Karate headquarters, 252 W. 30th Street, NYC. The Program is led by Sensei Carol Halstead and Sensei Elinor Nauen. Seido Karate students (advanced blue belt and up) are invited and encouraged to participate as assistant teachers. Seido students are welcome to contact Sensei Carol or Sensei Elinor with any questions.
For further information about the YAI program in the city, and how to become part of this special adaptive karate class please contact YAI directly: communications@yai.org, 212-273-6182, and yai.org